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This anthology of letters spans seven decades of Grapevine publication and resembles a lively AA conversation among sober alcoholics.
Alcoholics are opinionated; that doesn’t change when they stop drinking. Some of the most interesting and enlightened writing about sobriety, drinking, sponsorship and the Steps and Traditions begins with missives entitled: “Dear Grapevine.”
This anthology of letters to AA Grapevine spans seven decades of Grapevine publication and is akin to lively AA conversation among sober alcoholics. You’ll enjoy Grapevine readers writing about their favorite topics, offering a piece of their minds to editors and others AAs and in general taking part in the spirited colloquy that helps make Grapevine AA’s “meeting in print.” As one correspondent writes: “How is anyone going to get to know and love the ‘real me’ unless I open up my heart and mind to my AA friends and family?”